Florist Falmouth ME

Flower Delivery in Falmouth, ME

Fleur De Lis Floral Design & Gifts simplifies flower delivery throughout the Falmouth area.
Pick your favorite bouquet designed by expert florists to send flowers to Falmouth.


The Best Florist Near Me

Fleur De Lis Floral Design & Gifts is a florist in Falmouth ME.

Fleur De Lis Floral Design & Gifts is a local florist in South Portland, Maine– a location for impressive floral arrangements and unique gift ideas for all events. Our talented group makes beautiful flower arrangements utilizing only the best and freshest flowers.

Whether you’re searching for the perfect Mother’s Day flowers, a dozen red roses for a romantic surprise, soothing sympathy flowers, or a dynamic birthday bouquet, trust us to deliver a stunning design that communicates your message perfectly.

Call Fleur De Lis Floral Design & Gifts the flower delivery experts in Falmouth Maine and surrounding areas or the Falmouth Florists today for your free estimate or if you have any questions,
give us a call at (207) 799-4458 for flower arrangement.


Featured Flowers

Need wedding flowers? Our skilled designers will work together with you to craft a flower vision that reflects your distinct style and makes your special day exceptional. From delicate bridal arrangements to awesome ceremony design, let us turn your dreams into a floral reality.

But Fleur De Lis is more than simply a flower store! Step inside our South Portland location, and you’ll discover a curated selection of gifts for each occasion. Discover gorgeous home décor, wonderful gourmet treats (including locally-crafted goodies!), thoughtful gift baskets, and much more. Need a last-minute gift? Our choice and pro guidance can save the day!

Time is short? Do not worry! Fleur de Lis offers convenient same-day flower delivery in South Portland, ME and surrounding communities. Shop flowers online at or call us at (207) 799-4458. We’ll hand-deliver your order, ensuring your flowers arrive fresh, fragrant and ready to delight your loved ones.

We recognize the significance of every floral order, from commemorating life’s milestones to expressing sympathy in times of loss. Our full-service florist team is known for exceptional client care and personalized designs customized to your needs. Experience the Fleur de Lis difference and let us bring elegance, pleasure, and a touch of flower magic to your next celebration.


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Flowers for Every Occasion


Shades in Flower: Checking Out Best-Selling Floral Arrangements by Color
Color plays a vital function in the realm of flower arrangements, not just for visual appeal but also for the psychological reactions they stimulate. From the enthusiastic reds to the tranquil blues, each color tells a story, making particular flower arrangements constant best-sellers.
Have a look at the most popular flower arrangements classified by color, providing insights into why these shades resonate so highly with clients.

The Timeless Reds: Enthusiasm and Love
Red flower arrangements, especially those featuring roses, are associated with love and enthusiasm. A best-seller for romantic celebrations like Valentine’s Day and anniversaries, red flowers communicate deep feelings and a classic sense of love. Other popular red flowers include tulips and carnations, each incorporating a special texture and tone to bouquets.

Bright Yellows: Happiness and Friendly relationship
Yellow flowers are in demand for their capability to bring a sense of brightness and pleasure. Sunflowers, with their big, open faces, are a favorite, representing joy and comfort. Daffodils and yellow tulips are likewise popular, specifically in spring, for their joyful shades that stimulate sensations of friendship and new beginnings.

Peaceful Blues and Purples: Serenity and Beauty
Blue and purple arrangements are extremely preferred for their relaxing and stylish look. Lavender, with its fragile scent and soft purple color, is a leading option for creating a sense of serenity and comfort. Blue hydrangeas and irises are likewise popular, including a touch of elegance and serenity to any setting.

Dynamic Oranges and Pinks: Energy and Appreciation
Orange flowers, such as marigolds and gerbera daisies, radiate energy and eagerness, making them a go-to for events and pleasant presents. Pink flowers, consisting of peonies and cherry blooms, represent appreciation and appreciation, and are a popular option for Mother’s Day and as an indication of gratitude.

Pure Whites: Beauty and Compassion
White flower arrangements, including lilies, orchids, or roses, are timeless and versatile. Frequently related to pureness and sophistication, they are a staple for wedding events and official occasions. White flowers are likewise frequently utilized in sympathy arrangements, providing a sense of peace and honor.

Abundant Greens: Development and Consistency
Greenery in flower arrangements, such as eucalyptus, ferns, and succulents, has actually seen a rise in level of popularity. These arrangements, frequently utilized as accents, signify development and consistency. They are progressively sought after for their minimalist charm and their capability to match both lively and subdued color schemes.

The power of color in flower arrangements can not be downplayed. It affects ambiance, communicates messages, and includes depth to the art of flower design. Comprehending the psychological and symbolic significances behind various colors can assist flower shops and consumers alike in choosing the perfect arrangement for any celebration. Whether it’s a fiery red arrangement for a romantic gesture or a relaxing blue bouquet for a serene area, the colors we select in our flower arrangements have the power to interact far beyond words.


florist reviews

“Thank you very much for rescuing me when another florist could not deliver flowers to Conroy Tully Walker Funeral home. You went above and beyond and delivered at 7:00 am to make sure the flowers were in place for the funeral. And, the flowers were beautiful!!”

Margaret Hawkins


Florist In Falmouth, Maine


Are you in the Falmouth, Maine area and are looking for a business that does flower delivery near me? Are you interested in having fresh flowers delivered?
If the answer is yes, you have found a great resource to take care of all your florist needs. We are the best florist in Falmouth ME. No arrangement like wedding flowers, funeral flowers is
too big or too small for us. We provide full service florist services.

In gloomy or distressing times, we understand how crucial it is for you to reach out to loved ones as soon as you can. That’s why we provide same-day delivery services to hospitals, funeral homes, and care homes across Maine. We are fully equipped to deliver your lovely gifts promptly and smoothly.

Fleur De Lis Floral Design & Gifts commitment to you is 100% satisfaction on all your floral and gift purchases. If you are not completely satisfied, let us know by calling (207) 799-4458.

We serve the areas:

  • Portland
  • Cape Elizabeth
  • Westbrook
  • Falmouth
  • Gorham
  • Cumberland
  • Windham
  • Old Orchard Beach
  • Saco
  • Standish
  • Freeport
  • Biddeford
  • Yarmouth
  • Gray
  • Buxton
  • Pownal
  • Hollis
  • Lyman
  • North Yarmouth

Local Florists Services And Local Flower Delivery


Blossoms on a Budget: Imaginative and Economical Wedding Event Flower Concepts
Preparing for a wedding event can be a pricey affair, and the expense of flower decors typically adds a substantial amount to the budget. Nevertheless, with a little imagination and preparation, it’s possible to have lovely wedding event flowers without breaking the bank. Here are affordable concepts for wedding event flowers, helping couples accomplish their dream aesthetic while preserving financial prudence.

Pick Seasonal and Regional Flowers
Choosing seasonal and regional flowers is among the most efficient methods to lower expenses. Seasonal flowers are more plentiful, lowering their cost, and they also guarantee the best and most lovely flowers. Local flowers, likewise, minimize transport expenses and help neighborhood companies.

Streamline Your Choice
Instead of selecting numerous kinds of flowers, choose a couple of varieties and utilize them throughout your wedding event design. This method not just produces a cohesive appearance but likewise enables bulk purchases, which can be more affordable. Flowers like roses, carnations, and daisies are lovely, flexible, and typically more economical.

Take advantage of Greenery
Greenery can be a sensational and cost-effective option to flowers. Eucalyptus, ferns, and ivy can add size and structure to your arrangements at a portion of the expense. They additionally offer a lavish, natural appearance that’s best for rustic or outdoor wedding events.

Repurpose Event Flowers
Optimize your flower budget plan by repurposing flowers from the event for the reception. Arrangements utilized to embellish the aisle can function as centerpieces and the altar flowers can be transferred to the reception location.

Choose Smaller Sized Arrangements
Smaller sized, easier flower arrangements could be equally as efficient as big, fancy ones. Think about utilizing bud vases or little jars with a couple of stems in each. This can create an elegant, minimalist visual while keeping expenses low.

Buy at Local Markets
Often, local markets can deliver flowers at a lower cost than standard floral designers. Check out local farmers’ markets or wholesale flower markets for good offers.

Talk to a Florist
Even though you’re on a budget, seeking advice from a skilled florist can provide important insights. They can recommend budget-friendly options and concepts that line up with your goal and budget plan constraints.

Wedding event flowers do not need to be a luxurious expense. By being resourceful and thinking outside the box, couples can develop gorgeous and unforgettable flower displays for their wedding. From welcoming local and seasonal flowers to considering do it yourself arrangements and repurposing event flowers, there are numerous methods to have sensational flower decors without jeopardizing on design or spending a lot. Keep in mind, the charm of your wedding flowers lies not in their price, but in the love and delight they represent.



How do I place an order?

To place a flower order at Fleur De Lis Floral Design & Gifts, you can visit our website to order online, or call our local shop. We offer local flower delivery to Falmouth, and near Falmouth area as well as surrounding areas.


Can you deliver to Falmouth?

We are sending flowers to Falmouth, ME and surrounding areas. Order today for Falmouth flower delivery, vintage chic gifts, floral gift


Can you accommodate special requests for arrangements?

Our floral designers can create a custom one-of-a-kind bouquet unique for any special occasions or style. If you like a particular flower or design,
we can customize it for you. Call Fleur De Lis Floral Design & Gifts to order flowers today.